Understanding the Plantation Workers

We have a plantation worker community of 800,000 plus and Sri Lanka is known for its tea world over. Unfortunately, the plantations companies are facing major issues with retaining its labour force. The younger generation is constantly migrating to towns and away from the plantations. This is a direct impact of the very sad conditions they live in and because of the lack of a lucrative career path as a plantation worker.

If one looks at this crisis objectively and humanely, a solution can be found.

Lasantha grew up on a tea plantation (his father was a planter) and understands and empathizes with this community.

The plantation worker and the families should have a sense a belongingness which can do wonders.

Action points

As a step in the right direction we will be commencing a dialog with Plantation unions, the Plantation Human Development Trust and Plantation Companies to understand the challenges and limitations from all sides of the spectrum, with the view of finding a lasting and sustainable solution to the issues at hand.