• Have the root causes of a bloody war, which waged for over thirty years and cost thousands of young Sri Lankans their lives, been addressed and resolved?

  • If the root causes and grievances that led to the ethnic conflict are not addressed and remain swept under the carpet, there is bound be another uprising and God knows how that will turn out to be.

  • Missing persons, the land grab in the name of high security zones and supposed archeological sites, prisoners in custody who have been held for an ridiculously extended period of time are some of the other major issues in the North.

  • There are 60,000 plus women headed households in the Nothern province. They need to know that the people in the South do care about them. Unfortunately one of the few times Southern politicians speak about the people in the North and their challenges are during election speeches, which dies down after the elections.

Until, the people in the South agitate for the rights and privileges of those in the North, the ethnic conflict which has ruined our country for decades will never  be resolved.

Action points

In this connection, our group ‘Love Jaffna’ has adopted a poor village in Vaddukoaddai South, Jaffna with the hope of uplifting the lives of the villages with support of people from the South and making it model for others to replicate.

The team will also make every endeavour to get Corporates and Conglomerates in Colombo to open plants in the North that can offer large employment opportunities.

We are looking out for like minded passionate people to join us.

If you wish to contribute towards the Love Jaffna Project ,
please make a donation to the following designated account-

A/C # 2000033125
Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC
Mount Lavinia Branch, Sri Lanka
Swift Code- CCEYLKLX

Please call us on +9477-249-7739 for more information .

Please visit the
gallery for photographs on Love Jaffna.
Also checkout ‘Love Jaffna’ on Facebook.