To become a country of Integrity is the need of the hour!
Latest Updates
Flood relief and aid
Thanks to the generosity of our civic minded Sri Lankans from the South and of the Clarendon Foundation 45 families were blessed with dry rations yesterday.
Each pack consisted 13 items at a cost of Rs 6,362/ each.
A Big thank you to our Voluntary Coordinator Mr Niranjan Arulraj, the Divisional Secretary of Chanakanai and GS Mr Sivakumar Abhi Aran Siva for their support.
Together we can! Sri Lanka can!
A brand new home!
Their smiles say it all!
Suganya and family get their brand new home!
House renovations continue!
October 2024
Selvathy and family's get their renovated home.
Before and after photographs shows the transformation!
Together we can!
November 2024
Southern solidarity in action!
Iynkaran and Nidarshana's family's (with 04 kids) house is being renovated in Impacholei village, Vaddukaddai, Jaffna.
House construction underway
September 2024
Suganya , Alagu and their two children's new house is under construction.
The Love Jaffna project is funded by Sri Lankans from the South towards the exclusive welfare of the Nothern brethren.
Together we can!
Sri Lanka can!
House renovations underway
September 2024
It is house rennovation time in Impacholei, Vaddukoddai South.
Sellaiah Selvathi is the owner of the house.
Together we can!
Sri Lanka can!
Community employment creation orientation program
August 2024
Community employment creation orientation program done in Pudukuduiruppu on 22nd August 2024, in collaboration with the Northern Province Ministry of Women's Affairs and the Department of Cooperatives Mullativu.
Together we can!
Northern Province can!
Sri Lanka can!
Meeting with Presidents of farmer organizations and department officials in Jaffna
June 2024
Meeting with Presidents of Farmer organisations in the Jaffna District and Department officials, at the Department of Agrarian Development Jaffna, in connection with empowerment of Farmers via Farmer organizations.
Together we can!
Northern Province can!
Sri Lanka can!
Empowering Farmers in Jaffna - Elathumadduwal, Velanei, Pungadathiv and Kondavil
June 2024
Farmer empowerment meetings held in Elathumadduwal, Velanei, Pungadathiv and Kondavil, in collaboration with the Department of Agrarian Services, Jaffna.
Together we can!
Northern Province can!
Sri Lanka can!
Empowering Farmers in Jaffna - Karawetti, Puttur and Keerimalai
June 2024
Farmer empowerment meetings held in Karawetti, Puttur and Keerimalai in colaboration with the Department of Agrarian Development, Jaffna.
Together we can!
Northern Province can!
Empowering Farmers in Jaffna - Uduvil West, Ampan and Puloli i
May 2024
Farmer meetings continued last week, in Uduvil West, Ampan and Puloli in the Jaffna District in collaboration with the Department of Agrarian Development.
Together we can!
Northern Province can!
Empowering Farmers in Jaffna - Uduvil South and Changani South West
May 2024
Farmer empowerment meetings in Uduvil South and Changani South West done in collaboration with the Department of Agrarian Services.
Together we can!
Sri Lanka can!
Empowering Farmers in Jaffna
April 2024
Farmer empowerment meetings in collaboration with the Department of Agrarian Development, Jaffna.
Together we can!
Sri Lanka can!
Theivendran's Family Home Renovation
January 2024
Southern solidarity at work!
The Theivendran's family home in the village of Impacholei Vaddukoddai South, which was in a dilapidated state was renovated and upgraded beautifully and handed over to the family on 02nd Jan'24.
North South reconciliation was displayed beautifully as the recipients were from the North, the donors were from the South and culminating it all as the construction per se was done by the 51st Infantry Division of the Sri Lanka Army (with no labour cost), to whom we are extremely grateful.
We wish to thank the office of the Chief of Defence Services for coordinating this project, the Army Officials of the 51st Infantry Division who organized the handing over event and to the Divisional Secretary and officials of the Vallikamam West DS office who graced the occasion.
Together we can!
Sri Lanka can!
Team Love Jaffna
Mahendrajah and family's house rennovated
December 2023
Southern solidarity in action!
Mahendrajah and family's house renovated. Impacholei village, Vaddukaddai South, Jaffna.
Together we can!
Sri Lanka can!
Love Jaffna project.
Handing Over of Newly Constructed House
December 2023
Southern solidarity at work!
Handing over of newly constructed house to the Theepakumar family, of Impacholei village in Vaddukaddai South, Jaffna with the Divisional Secretary of Chankanai.
This is a project of Love Jaffna team, which was totally funded by people in the South who are committed to stand with their Northern brethren.
Together we can!
Sri Lanka can!
Renovation of Community Leader’s Home in Jaffna
November 2023
Southern solidarity at work!
The community leader's home of Impacholei village, Vaddukaddai, Jaffna renovated with financial support exclusive from the South.
Together we can!
Sri Lanka can!
Farmer empowerment meeting in the Jaffna District.
October 2023
Visuals of a recently concluded Farmer empowerment meeting held in collaboration with the officials of the Department of Agrarian Development, in Tholpuram, in the Chanakai DS Division, attended by key representatives of 05 Farmer organizations.
Together we can!
Northern Province can!
Sri Lanka can!
The Farmer Empowerment initiative
October 2023
The Farmer Empowerment initiative in collaboration with the Department of Agrarian Development was launched today in Sandilipay, with the participation of members from 04 Farmer organizations in the Division.
A big thank you to Assistant Commissioner Devakhi for her cooperation.
Together we can!
Northern Province can!
Village development under the Poverty Alleviation and Employment Creation Committee (PAECC)
Village development under the Poverty Alleviation and Employment Creation Committee (PAECC), an initiative by the Governor's Secretariat - Northern Province
A field meeting was conducted in end April '23 with the DS Office Officers, with females in the Shanthai Village in the Sandilipay Division to promote training in Aari work, Candle making and Palmyrah products.
Together we can!
Northern Province can!
Impacholei Village House Renovations
Was back at Impacholei village Vaddukoddai South, Jaffna accompanied by officials from Chankanai Chankanai Divisional Secretariat.
We hope to start renovations and repairs this month.
Southern solidarity towards our Northern brethren!!!
Village Development Project
Village development project - Jaffna District
On behalf of PAECC.
Sandilipay Division
Follow-up meeting in Sahaypuram Village on 22nd Dec '22
PAECC - Poverty Alleviation and Employment Creation Committee
An initiative of the Governor's Secretariat - Northern Province
Student awareness program on substance abuse and sexual abuse of children
We were happy to be associated with a student awareness program on substance abuse and sexual abuse of children, conducted by the Women and Children's Bureau of the Sri Lanka Police, for nearly 450 school children, in the Kankasanturai area in Tellipale, Jaffna on 20th Dec 22.
House Renovations in Jaffna!
October 22
Southern solidarity at work!
Logeswary and family of our tiny village in Impacholei in Vaddukoddai South, now have a new kitchen, doors and windows in their home.
The photograph speaks a thousand words!
We wish to thank all our donors from the south for making this happen.
More renovations underway!
September 2022
Through the Love Jaffna project, we have managed to give 03 homes in the Impacholei village in Vaddukoddai South, Jaffna, a face lift by way of house renovations which included construction of 03 veradhas, 03 kitchens, 01 toilet and many doors and windows in the past four months.
These photographs are of the third house belonging to Puwanesswary, a single mother.
With the current construction costs which have doubled and tripled our budgets have gone out of the window.
We still have two more homes with roof repairs to be attended to before the rains come down.
Southern solidarity in action!
July 2022
Thambinaina's and Jayakumary's home renovations are well underway!
Although these renovations cost more than double, these smiles are more than a million bucks!
We thank our generous donors who made this possible. Let's determine in our hearts and minds NOT to allow anyone to divide us.
Sri Lanka will not prosper unless the Northern province also does so. The Northern province cannot prosper in isolation.
A brand new bicycle!
July 2022
Lenitha who is the unofficial community leader of Impacholei village lost her bicycle recently, which was very unfortunate.
The Love Jaffna Team with the support of donations received from our supporters donated her brand new bicycle in the second week of July.
a sincere apology from the Founder of Avanka Lanka Foundation
House Renovations in Jaffna
June 2022
We are currently in Jaffna attending to two house renovations in our small village Impacholei in Vaddukoddai South, which was scheduled to be done last August but was postponed due to numerous reasons.
Building material prices have skyrocketed but we want to keep to our word and complete the work.
Distribution of Ration Packs
to 100 Families
June 2022
Thanks to the generous donation from Ensen Trading Company, One Hundred families with school going children received dry ration packs on 16th June 2022 at a scholarship program organized by the Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte Divisional Secretary's office, under the direction and guidance of the Colombo District Secretary's office.
More than 500 people including children and senior citizens were benefitted thanks to this distribution.
We thank both the Donor and the Organizer.
Distribution of Dry Ration Packs to 50 Marginalized Families
May 2022
Thanks to the financial support from a group of Sri Lankans living in Dallas, USA who call themselves the Dallas Holy Rosary group 50 marginalised families from the Walopla area received a wholesome pack of Dry rations yesterday at the Aggona Vimala Viharaya.
This donation in turn translates to blessing 250 people including children and senior citizens.
Distribution of Ration Packs to 10,000 families
May 2022
Thanks to the magnanimous financial support of WSO2 we were able to distribute 10,000 dry ration packs (a week's supply) to people in the lower income bracket in Wanathamulla, Dematagoda, Kotuwegoda and Kalapaluwawa along with the WSO2 team over the last two weekends, at Campbell Park. This donation translates to over 50,000 people including children and senior citizens.
WSO2, we salute you for your valued patronage.
Avanka Lanka Registered with the NGO Secretariat
January 2022
In keeping with the current regulations of the country, all Nonprofit organizations are required to be registered with the NGO Secretariat.
Avanka Lanka Foundation received its registration certificate from the Director General at the NGO Secretariat last week.
We wish to commend the Director General and his staff for their efficient service.
We wish that there are more departmental heads like this in the public sector.
September 2021
Over 12,000 people have been blessed up to the 12th of September with dry rations in Colombo, Vavuniya and Impacholei village, Vaddukoddai South, Jaffna.
"Let's not allow anyone to go to sleep hungry"
July 2021
I want to thank all those who contributed towards the 'Just a Thousand initiative' which provided just over 2,000 families with dry ration packs of Rs 2,500/= each.
Over 150 individuals contributed towards this initiative, which in turn prevented 10,000 plus people including children from going to sleep hungry as they were provided with dry rations to have a decent meal.
We also to wish to thank the The Clarendon Foundation for their generosity and also Mr Sunil Perera's strong endorsement.
The attached photographs will bear testimony to the dire need that prevailed over the last couple of weeks.
Endorsement by the Late great Mr. Sunil Perera
If you wish to contribute, even in a small way to Avanka Lanka’s efforts, please make a donation to-
A/C# 1000347058
Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC
Mount Lavinia Branch, Sri Lanka
Swift Code- CCEYLKLX
The Call
A call to Academics, Professionals, Artists, Sportspeople, Corporate Leaders, Business Leaders etc; encompassing the educated public at large whose desire is to make Sri Lanka better, by upholding INTEGRITY, as the corner stone for the envisaged change.
Points to ponder upon very sincerely
Have the root causes of a bloody war, which waged for over thirty years and cost thousands of young Sri Lankans their lives, been addressed and resolved?
If the root causes and the grievances that led to the ethnic conflict are not addressed and remains swept under the carpet, there is bound be another uprising and God knows how that will turn out to be.
Religious Turmoil
Are we also going to passively watch and wait while extremist groups attack, destroy property, and discriminate minority ethnic groups and minority religious groups, under the guise of Pseudo-Nationalism?
Bribery has become the fourth language in our country. Do we want our children to be proficient and eloquent in this language just as much as we want them to master English? Most of us feel that we are not involved in bribery because we very subtly get out of it as we are clever in out-sourcing it to some other poor soul who does the dirty work!
We need to educate the masses via social media and traditional media regarding instances where bribery occurs and also highlight action that can be taken to expose perpetrators who give AND receive bribes.
Abuse Against Women & Children
With a view of combating the increase number of cases pertaining to the Abuse of both Women and Children, we are working towards establishing a network of the numerous stakeholders at District level and create sufficient awareness regarding the Abuse of Women and Children and also create awareness of the available channels of redress in their own district, thereby making the general public aware of the following and invite public engagement.
1. ‘Whom’ to reach out to and ‘how’ when someone is in potential danger.
2. ‘What’ to do next and ‘whom’ to contact and ‘how’ in the event of an unfortunate eventuality where one has become a victim.
Please join us from your respective Districts..
Our farmers have always got a raw deal with successive governments, over the years.
Either their produce is not purchased at the correct price or at the correct time or their fertilizer and/or water are not released at the correct time; to say the least.
We go to court expecting justice. But do we really get justice in a timely manner or is it when one has reached the end of the road in terms of both cash and age? Successive governments have failed to address the undue delays in our justice system and thousands upon thousands of litigants have gone to their graves without proper justice being served.
The underworld or gangs of thugs exist because they are kept in business by drug lords and the like who are invariably connected to some politician or the other.
The prison system has become corrupt that anything ranging from a cigarette, to drugs, to guns can be obtained by inmates at the correct price. The convicted who are imprisoned have access to everything which can make them even more evil, at their disposal. The Prison System is expected to reform prisoners and make them into better citizens. Reformation and deterrence are supposed to be achieved by punishing a wrongdoer.
Many in the Public sector including the Police Department and the the Tri-forces have become puppets in the hands of unscrupulous politicians. We need to bring back the dignity and the decorum of the Public Sector, where Public sector employees including the officials in the Police Department and the Tri-forces could discharge their duties with honor and pride with their head held high, not worrying about whose toes they may be treading on.
Empowering Over-indebted Villagers
There are thousands upon thousands of poor people scattered throughout the country who are over indebted owing to irresponsible Money lending agencies who have entered both suburbs and villages in numerous forms.
Developing Our Small Entrepreneurs
COVID-19 has hit Entrepreneurs especially the small entrepreneurs very badly.
The introduced credit schemes through Banks too do not favour these Entrepreneurs too much, owing to their lack of providing collateral etc.
Unfortunately a majority of our country's economic activity is in the hands of these small businesses and protecting and strengthening such businesses is of paramount importance.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(+94) 77 249 7739